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The facts: I have already voted for Secretary Clinton and abhor Donald Trump as a politician and a man.

My CV: 17.5 years in self-development. I co-founded OneTaste in 2004, was a lead teacher and coach during my tenure of 10 years, co-founded its Men’s Program and have personally taught thousands of students on intimacy, relationship, and sexuality. I currently produce a podcast, Tuff Love, where I discuss the challenges people face today in their personal lives especially around man-woman dynamics and communication.

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My new friend asked me yesterday, “What do you see going on in the world?” We are both coaches, him more successful than I am, and the question was an opportunity for me to show my chops.

I reply:

I’m fascinated by this election not so much in terms of who is going to win but as Donald and Hilary as excellent representatives for what is going on in the world. I see it as a battle between the fear of the masculine due to the rise of the feminine.



Important Quick Aside: From my point-of-view, masculine doesn’t mean man, feminine does not mean woman. Everyone, regardless of their choice of gender, has elements of both which ebbs and flows during their lives.

He smiles, nods and prompts me for more.

I’ve been watching the rapidly changing dynamics between masculine and feminine since I started my own personal growth on March 20, 1999. On that day, the teacher deftly pointed out that I was a numb, dumb, chauvinist man with misogynistic attitudes and viewpoints. While very difficult to swallow, he was right. I took to the task to learning these aspects not only in myself but in others. Its been a long, challenging, and ultimately beautiful road for me to walk.

After 17 years of study, the main viewpoint I’ve observed is that the power dynamic between men and women, or more to the point, the Feminine and the Masculine, is evolving exponentially fast and everyone is pretty fucked up around it.


Say Anything (1989)

The roles of MEN and WOMAN in today’s society is significantly different from when I was a boy growing up in John Cusack’s America. There used to be more of a guideline on how to act, who to be, and what roles were expected. Those roles, especially with the dynamic nature of millennial generation has shifted.

In conjunction, the rise of the Tinder-based swipe left/swipe right dynamic has led to more disconnection, less commitment and an overall tendency to look forward to the “next, best thing” rather to be in the challenging intimate moments. We are “hanging out” rather than dating or “playing the field” rather than settling down with one person.

The Effect

In my coaching practice, I often hear women say “Where are the good men?” while men lambast “Women are too much to handle! They don’t make any sense!” I believe that this disconnect has occurred because of changing power dynamics between the sexes.

We are seeing the wage gap between men and women decrease with women under 25 earning 94% of men compared to 59% in 1960. People getting married and having babies later in life. The covert conversation around sexual politics (e.g. assault) is becoming more mainstream. The effect I see is that everyone is confused, most unhappy, and isolating via their personal hand-held devices.

So, what does this have to do with HRC and the Donald? Everything.

The positive reception and acceptance Donald’s outrageous behavior is indicative of the Masculine wanting to return to the good ole days. He is brash, unapologetic, forceful, says what he wants off the script, and not beyond taking what he wants. He believes he can grab a woman’s genitals because he is a star, build an impossible wall to block another country, Twitter fight with anyone who crosses him, and is not beyond name-calling, ridiculing and violence to get his way.

A Man’s Man

For all the outrageous things he said and done, the one pseudo-apology I’ve witness was trying to convince that the sexual assault talk on the bus was “Locker-room talk”.

Trump is a man’s man and there are many who wish the world followed his lead. In truth, there was a simplicity to the days before women were equal citizens. Donald promises that he will make America great again. I only hear his underlying message that he will make America great again for the Masculine.


Hillary is no saint. I do believe she is a shrewd business woman, open to taking money for favors, a backroom dealer and made a significant mistake in having an un-secure email server out of her home. However, I believe that the main persecution against Hillary has to do more with the fight against the Feminine than with Hillary herself.

The world is nervous about having a woman president because it perceives the Feminine as weaker, unpredictable and not up to the job.


How will a woman handle the challenges of the oval office?
How will she face the patriarchal society that 99.9999% of all people live in?
How will she handle the masculine energies that dominate all aspect of the world that we live in?

Realistically, we don’t know because it has never happened before. However, I believe that the rise of HRC is a direct mimic of the rise of the Feminine in the rest of the world. It’s time for the world to have a new form of leadership. I did a quick search on the google and found an article that states there are just six (yes 6!) matriarchal societies alive today.

In my experience, the Feminine is significantly better at most forms of interacting, responding to challenge, has deeper emotional intelligence, and is powerful. The combination of a strong feminine in partnership with the malleable masculine leads to a powerful combination. We just need to have faith in its evolution.


I do believe in 48 hours, the citizens of the United States will elect HRC as the 45th President of the United States. I do believe that she will face one of the most difficult experiences as leader of this country. I do believe that the feminine aspects of her agenda will take a beating and will have challenges arising. However, I do believe that she will prevail in changing the world for the better. The significant better.

In my heart, I am still the same man who had those chauvinistic thoughts in 1999. However, I’ve educated myself on better practices for my masculine to interact with both the internal feminine and the power that rises in the world at large. My life is more full because of it and the relationships I have with my fiancee and other women is so powerful because I’ve said, “YES… please teach me”

The world needs to undergo the same lesson. Let’s not take a step back with the Donald. Let’s let the feminine rise and have its day.

I suspect everyone will be significantly happier.

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