More Impact | Stronger Relationships | Better Sex
Your pragmatic guide to relationships, sex, and purpose in the 21st century
LISTEN LIVE every Thursday at 10am PST
Featuring Rob Kandell as your host/coach/best-friend-you-never-knew-you-had, Tuff Love is a grab-bag of rants, listener Q&A’s, and captivating interviews with experts on everything from money-management to intimate touching.
For more than 20 years, Rob has shared his radically practical advice for finding passion and fulfilment in your work, your relationships, and your life. His advice is simple (though not necessarily easy): Connect with your deepest self (flawed as you may be) so that you can stop hiding, embrace life with authenticity and vulnerability and walk the unHIDDEN path.
When developing the unHIDDEN path, Rob recognized that there wasn’t one single ‘transformational moment’ or ‘unmasking’ that define an unHIDDEN life. Rather, living unHIDDEN is a process; a day-by-day exercise that’s equal parts getting to know yourself and revealing yourself.
With his unique style of candor and compassion, Rob gently tosses aside your bullsh*t excuses and shows you how to get out of your own way.
248: Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School? With Blake Boles & MORGAN Kandell
Blake Boles is the founder and director of Unschool Adventures and the author of Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?, The Art of Self-Directed Learning, Better Than College, and College Without High School. He hosts the Off-Trail Learning podcast and has...
209: Stop Giving Yourself Away with Sydney Campos – A spiritual perspective on cultural conditioning
Sydney Campos is a Visionary, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Author of The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything. Sydney guides visionary leaders to live in alignment with their soul purpose while embodying next-level power, pleasure and prosperity. In...
208: The Beauty of Conflict with CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke
CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke are a couple who together run Thrive! Coaching & Consulting, offering coaching for individuals, couples, and corporates. Founded in 2002, they work with leadership teams, management groups, project teams and senior executive...
207:Three Pillars for Equanimity with Pablo Lucero
Pablo Lucero is a renowned Yoga instructor and designer of Functional Movement - a powerful and skillful integrative practice rooted in the ancient philosophies of Yoga, Ancestral Indigenous Healing Arts and Functional Movement Methodologies. Pablo aims to awaken...
206: Getting Out of the Man Box with Dr. John Schinnerer
Dr. John Schinnerer is an U.C. Berkeley-trained coach with a Ph.D. in educational psychology, who provides executive coaching and organizational consulting with a scientific basis, with previous clients ranging from AskJeeves to Visa, FedEx to Starbucks.Drawing from...
205: The Rob & Ken Show: Speaking the truth about sex in relationships
Ken Blackman is a sex and relationship expert who has worked with hundreds of couples from San Francisco to Paris to Sydney, and trained thousands of students in his workshops on sex, intimacy and connection. With nearly two decades of experience, Ken’s powerful,...
204: The Truth About Attachment Theory with Dr. Cat Meyer
Addressing misconceptions around how we make sense of ourselves, others, and the world.Dr Cat Meyer, PsyD, LMFT, is evolving the relationship we have with sexuality and our bodies. A published researcher, yoga instructor, reiki practitioner, and licensed couples and...
203: Confronting Your Ghosts: Addressing the past wounds that affect us
In this week's episode, Rob rants about looking into our past traumas and how we continue to have a connection with them. He outlines his current process behind writing his autobiography, and how he has investigated past relationships and events in order to gain...
202: The Role of Creativity in Your Evolution with Adam Roa
Adam Roa is an inspired speaker, author, coach, and business consultant. Through his video series “The Art of Choosing Love” Adam explores his personal relationship with intimacy and his traumas, and his search for understanding ‘what it means to be a conscious,...
201: That Annoying New Teacher of Yours
In this week's episode, Rob rants about the process he’s gone through over the last two hundred episodes of Tuff Love, and the experiences and insights he’s had into privilege, determination, abundance, and success along the way. 1:24 - Gratitude to everyone who...
200: Experiences and insights from the 1st 200 episodes
In this week's episode, Rob rants about the process he’s gone through over the last two hundred episodes of Tuff Love, and the experiences and insights he’s had into privilege, determination, abundance, and success along the way.1:24 - Gratitude to everyone who...
199: How Self-Love will keep you from Romantic Love with Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford is the “The Cupid of Consciousness”: a world leader in the self-growth space. Practising and teaching conscious-based approaches to love and life for 30 years, she is a bestselling author, speaker, and relationship expert whose “mission is to help women...
198: Playing Safe is Dangerous With David Wood
David Wood is a successful entrepreneur and life coach, former Actuary, and current CEO of Play for Real. He coaches leaders in living a life free of regret, through four pillars: truth, daring, caring, and connection. 5:02 - Playing safe is dangerous6:30 - Beginning...
197: Inside the Bardo: Exploration and Guidance Through Periods of Transition
In this week's episode, Rob rants about his interpretation of the Tibetan Buddhist idea of the Bardo - the space between this and that - as a means of identifying periods of transition in aspects of our lives. Pragmatic help and insights are offered in facing what is...
196: Modern Romance with Evan Katz
Evan Marc Katz is a dating coach who specializes in helping smart, strong, successful women understand and connect with men. Through his books, coaching, blog, and newsletter, thousands of satisfied clients have found empowerment in their relationships. 01:39 - Modern...
195: Six Vulnerable Conversations Series 5 Episode 6
Welcome back for our new season of Six Vulnerable Conversations! This season, we’ll be diving into a series of unscripted, honest, no agenda dialogues between a cisgender man, cisgender women, transgender man, and transgender woman. Talking about sexuality, gender...
194: Choosing Your Power with Dr. Wayne Pernell Author Of
Dr. Wayne Pernell As a Global Executive Coach and Relationship Expert, Dr. Wayne Pernell is known for being insightful, witty, and playful. Bringing more than thirty-five years of experience in helping leaders set new strategic targets, gain clarity and confidence,...
193: Six Vulnerable Conversations Series 5 Episode 5
Rob dives in and gets into how societies expectations with gender, sexuality, and who we are has changed over the years and what that means for the future. Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them....
192: Masculinity On The Rocks: With Kyle Wright Founder of Wright Wellness Center
Kyle Wright is transforming how we talk about masculinity, mental health, and relationships. Bridging the gap between self-help books and a therapist's couch, he’s one half of the NYC-based sex and love power couple who founded Wright Wellness Center. Kyle co-hosts...
191: Six Vulnerable Conversations Series 5 Episode 4
Here Rob explores the spectrum and breadth of new sexual identies from lesbian and gay to transgender and pangendered. Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men and Those Confused by Them. It's your easy-to-understand at-home...
190: I Don’t Want To Talk About It
This episode is about men’s depression with Terry Real, the groundbreaking author of “I Don’t Want To Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression”. Get the book here. Don't forget to grab your copy of the Amazon bestseller unHidden: A Book For Men...